Sonography Capabilities of Routine Wellness, Obstetric, Fetal Medicine, Liver elastography, Breast Sono mammography and Elastography, and whole body color doppler services.
MRI 3T Ingenia: State-of-the-art technology with the most advanced image quality. Ingenia delivers premium image quality with digital clarity and speed –and with iPatient, it provides patient-centric imaging, from patient set-up to image technology results. From routine studies to emerging applications Ingenia’s explorative tools and advanced diagnostic solutions increase the imaging capabilities of MR by addressing the major healthcare trends in neurology, oncology, and cardiology.
CT 128 Detector row: Spatial resolution and excellent advanced clinical capabilities. Personalized image quality based on your patients’ needs at low doses. Ingenuity Core128 with iDose4, reconstruction is achieved in 60 seconds or less. Maintains image quality at low doses. Excellence in routine imaging, with improved image quality across a range of patients. All angiographies at the lowest radiation and with the safest FDA-approved contrast.
Mammography Pristina: Ge Pristina Digital 3D tomography is the first in the ASIA system with a self-compression tool to empower women to perform their breast exam with control over the compression technique. . The Senographe Pristina platform makes the patient more comfortable, enabling suitable positioning and a smoother experience for both patient and technologist. Breast Imaging services are led by an all-woman team of a radiologist, oncologist, surgeons, radiation oncologist, and genetics counseling expert in-house. ce T physical strain with dedicated functionalities for easier patient positioning during the mammogram.